Outlook Express and Windows Mail lack for at least one in-demand feature - the resend message option. Once you sent an e-mail message in Outlook Express, there is no way to re-send it. If you entered a wrong e-mail address, or want to send the same message to another person, or if some error occurred during the message delivery, you will have to compose the message again. There is no easy way of resending e-mail messages in Outlook Express.
Of course, you can stretch your imagination, and try one of the following:
- Open the original message in the Outlook Express Sent Items folder, copy the e-mail body and paste it into a new message.
- Forward your original message, then edit out the headers that are added before the quoted text and remove "Fwd: " from the Subject line. This works only if you have enabled "include message in reply" under Tools -> Options -> Send.
- Save the message to the *.eml file. Open the saved file in the text editor and add this line to the headers with the other X-lines: "X-Unsent: 1". Save the changes, then double-click the *.eml file, do editing if needed, and click Send.